TMM : Trust maturity Model

Trust mark is a business excellence protocol designed specifically for the gem and jewellery industry by Team ICS.

Trust mark provides a tool which allows the third party auditors to audit and check the systems and processes.

While this would increase efficiencies and grow respective businesses and the industry it would also redefine the way we are perceived by stake holders , government, regulatory authorities banks, customers and vendors.

How does Trustmark Work ?

  • The Trustmark designed to optimize the efficiency and overall growth of the jewellery industry at large, comprising of jewellers with single or multiple stores, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
  • Trustmark sets out road map for businesses. It covers the following areas
  • Strategy and execution Plan
  • Resource management : People and finance
  • Customer Service
  • Vendor and Quality Management
  • Environment, Health, Security and safety requirements.
  • The levels of Trustmark
  • The trustmark has three levels, each of them indicating a higher stage of growth and efficiency.
  • Organisations start at level 1- Silver and work their way upto Level 3.
  • Platinum
  • Certification for each stage is issued by third party auditors. The idea is to gradually and methodically improve organization processes to achieve efficiency.
  • Level 1- Silver : Defined and repeatable
  • Level 2 Gold : managed
  • Level 3- platinum: Optimising

The Trustmark is a system certification only. It is not a product certification.