BRC Food Safety Standard

As consumers become more sophisticated with their food and demand more global tastes, the risks associated with food quality and safety continue to increase. As a player within the food sector, you are likely to be up against varying national and local legislation, voluntary agreements and supply chain challenges trying to deliver products that meet the needs of an evolving market.

The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety can help you demonstrate your food safety credentials using a single, internationally recognised food safety management system. The standard helps prove your level of competence in HACCP, hygiene, food safety and quality systems. Recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), BRC Food aims to harmonise international food safety standards with the support of the world's top retailers and food manufacturers.

Whether you're an established global supplier or based in an emerging market, the standard will ensure your customers have confidence in your food safety programme and supply chain management. It will also help you reduce waste, complaints, recalls and rejected products.

Certification to BRC food safety...

helps improve supplier standards and consistency and avoids product failure and recalls global recognition of the standard eliminates the need for food manufacturers to undertake multiple audits supports retailer objectives at all levels of the manufacturing supply chain