OHSAS 18001

OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety Management Certification

If you run a business then the well-being and safety of your staff and customers should always be a priority. However health & safety legislation changes on a daily basis. This means that you need systems in place to make sure you keep abreast of your legal obligations and put processes in place to minimise workplace risks. OHASAS 18001 is the internationally recognised standard for best practice occupational health & safety management.

Whilst particularly prevalent within construction and manufacturing, the standard is highly applicable to service and other industries. By implementing OHSAS 18001 your organisation will be taking proactive steps to ensure it complies and stays up to date with appropriate legislation and becomes a safer place to work.

Benefits of certification to OHSAS 18001...

Helps reduce the occurrence of accidents and incidences Helps you stay abreast of relevant legislation and reduces the likelihood of prosecution and fines Demonstrates a commitment to assuring the safety of employees and the wider public