ISO 22301

ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Certification

Business disruption generally comes without warning. You may believe that your business is fairly robust, yet factors such as the environment, economics, politICS International Certificationor people have the ability to suddenly bring any organisation to its knees. ISO 22301 requires an organisation to preempt risks and put in place contingency plans and tested responses to more effectively respond to unexpected threats should they arise. It helps your team agree timeframes within which you will resume your activity following an adverse event. The standard also requires you to make resources available to implement, maintain and test plans to ensure operational continuity regardless of the conditions.

Benefits of certification to ISO 22301...

Ensures that you can deliver products or services to customers despite unexpected interruptions Enhances your reputation as a robust entity within critical supply chains Provides improved visibility of both internal and external risks facing your business enabling you to maintain operations or return to 'business as usual' as smoothly as possible.