Publicly Accessible Information

ICS International Certification India makes public (principally through the ICS International Certification global and this local website) information regarding its audit processes and certification processes for granting, maintaining, extending, renewing, reducing, suspending or withdrawing certification, and about the certification activities, types of management systems and geographic areas in which it operates

Information in hard copy format will also be supplied on request. Periodically the information made available to the public and clients (website, brochures, advertising etc.) is checked to ensure that it is current, correct and not misleading.

ICS International Certification has information about certificates granted, suspended or withdrawn in a hard copy at any of the ICS International Certification India office. This information is available at ICS International Certification Office and can be freely accessible to public or upon request. Please contact ICS International Certification INDIA office for any further details.

The validity of any given certificate will be confirmed to any party upon request. ( Using Validate a certificate link )

In exceptional cases, access to certain information can be limited on the request of the client (e.g. for security reasons).

FOR ANY DETAILS regarding audit & certification process/ certified clients/ suspension or widhdrawal of certification/ current status of certification/ scope of certification/ scope of accreditation or any other specific information, if needed -

Please contact us